#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import random import string import rfc822 import email import cgi import time import re def strip_separators(s): "Remove quotes or parenthesization from a Message-ID string" if not s: return "" if s[0] in '"<([' and s[-1] in '">)]': s = s[1:-1] return s def comma_me(amount): orig = amount new = re.sub("^(-?\d+)(\d{3})", '\g<1>,\g<2>', amount) if orig == new: return new else: return comma_me(new) def print_example(subjects, author, email, body, footer): """Output Mailman-a-like text to browser""" template = '''\ %(subject)s


%(name)s %(email)s


More information about the BNMList mailing list
BNMList is hosted by Screenlists, a Screen-Play.net service

Small print: This page is a spoof of a real BNM archived message. It attempts to cobble together a random selection of paragraphs from previous posts by this person. But, hey, the code isn't very sophisticated and shit happens, so it may end up putting words into their mouth. If you've been mis-quoted, sorry. For recreational purposes only. Your milage may vary. Contents may settle in transit. Complaints, bug reports or queries, email me at tristan@roddis.org.
Nerd stats: %(footer)s. All hail the twin wonders of mairix and Python.

''' # reformat email to thwart spammers email = string.replace(email, "@", " at ") # escape HTML body = cgi.escape(body) # link links body = re.sub("(http://\S*)", "\">\g<1>", body) # add bogus date of format Mon May 17 12:22:37 BST 2004 tomorrow = time.localtime(time.time() +86400) date = time.strftime("%a %B %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", tomorrow) fields ={ 'name': author, 'subject': subjects[0], 'prevsubject': subjects[1], 'nextsubject': subjects[2], 'email': email, 'date': date, 'rawname': cgi.urllib.quote(author), 'body': body, 'footer': footer } print "Content-type:text/html\n\n" print template % fields # MAIN ACTION STARTS HERE starttime = time.time() no_of_paras = range(8) subjects = [] final_paras = [] emailaddr = None matchname = None # allow testing from the command line e.g. "./examplepost.cgi Roddis" try: matchname = sys.argv[1] except: pass form = cgi.FieldStorage() if not matchname: if form.has_key('name') and form['name'].value != "": matchname = form['name'].value else: print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n" print "Try providing a name parameter, bozo!" sys.exit() cmd = '/home/tristan/bin/mairix -r -f /home/tristan/.mairixbnmrc f:' + matchname files = os.popen(cmd).readlines() if len(files) == 0: print "Content-type:text/html\n\n" print "No matches found for ", form['name'].value sys.exit() for i in no_of_paras: file = random.choice(files) filename = file[:-1] fp = open(filename, 'r') m = email.message_from_file(fp) subjects.append(m['Subject']) if m.is_multipart(): # most BNM messages seem to have the footer as a separate part msg = m.get_payload()[0].get_payload() else: msg = m.get_payload() testauthor, testemailaddr = rfc822.parseaddr(m['from']) if testauthor != matchname: continue elif not emailaddr: author = testauthor emailaddr = testemailaddr paras = [] rawparas = string.split(msg, "\n\n") for checkpara in rawparas: if (len(checkpara) > 0 and ord(checkpara[0]) == 10): # first char is a newline checkpara = checkpara[1:] if not (len(checkpara) < 15 or checkpara[0] == '>' or ord(checkpara[0]) == 62 or checkpara[:3] == "On " or checkpara[0] == '-' or ord(checkpara[0]) == 45 or checkpara[:14] == "Archive Search" or checkpara[:3] == "BNM" or checkpara[:3] == "-8<" or checkpara[:5] == " _"): #paras.append(checkpara) #checkpara = "%s::%s" % (ord(checkpara[0]),checkpara) paras.append(checkpara) if not len(paras) == 0: if i == 0: # first para the_para = paras[0] elif i == len(no_of_paras) - 1: # last para the_para = paras[len(paras) - 1] else: the_para = random.choice(paras) if the_para[0] == '\n': the_para = the_para[1:] #the_para = "F:%s:%s:%s" % (ord(the_para[0]), ord('>'), the_para) final_paras.append(the_para) #body = string.join(final_paras, "XXXX\n\nVVVV") body = string.join(final_paras, "\n\n") curfiles = os.listdir('/home/tristan/Maildir/.aabnm/cur') newfiles = os.listdir('/home/tristan/Maildir/.aabnm/new') totalfiles = len(curfiles) + len(newfiles) endtime = time.time() elapsedtime = endtime - starttime footer = "%d paragraphs chosen from %s total messages matching sender '%s' out of a total of %s messages examined. All carried out in around %.3f seconds" % (len(final_paras), comma_me(`len(files)`), author, comma_me(`totalfiles`), elapsedtime) print_example(subjects, author, emailaddr, body, footer)